Curriculum Updates
Historical Curriculum Updates (1999-2019)
Curriculum Updates (2020-present)
Date | Department | Number | Course Title | Action |
3/20 | Zoology | 612 | Comparative Physiology Laboratory | Approved for capstone. |
5/20 | Agronomy | 532 | Environmental Biophysics | Approved for 5E for 112, 112EL, 112PL |
9/20 | Genetics | 528 | Banking Animal Biodiversity: International Field Study in Costa Rica | Approved for 5C for 112, 112EL, 112PL |
10/20 | CRB | 670 | Biology of Heart Disease and Regeneration | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
2/21 | Agron/Biochem | 375 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants Seminar | Approved for Seminar 112PL |
3/21 | Agronomy/Botany/Hort | 340 | Plant Cell Culture and Genetic Engineering | Remove lab |
5/21 | Neurodept | 533 | Molecular Physiology | Remove from A. This course is no longer offered. |
5/21 | Microbio/Biology | 525 | Advanced Biological Laboratory Practices: A Research Experience | Remove from B. This course was never offered. |
5/21 | Psych/Zoology | 550 | Animal Communication and Origins of Language | Remove from D. This course is no longer offered. |
5/21 | An Sci/Dy Sci | 313 | Animal Feeds and Diet Formulation | Remove from E. This course is no longer offered. |
11/21 | CRB | 650 | Molecular and Cellular Organogenesis | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
12/21 | CRB | 640 | Fundamentals of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
12/21 | Biochem | 550 | Principles of Human Disease and Biotechnology | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
12/21 | Zoology | 320 | Field Marine Biology | Approved for 5C lab for 112, 112EL, 112PL |
12/21 | Microbio | 551 | Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Microbiology | Remove from A and capstone. |
12/21 | Genetics | 562 | Human Cytogenetics | Remove from A. This course is no longer offered. |
2/22 | Med Phys/Physics | 265 | Introduction to Medical Physics | Approved for 5E for 112, 112EL |
4/22 | An Sci | 336 | Animal Growth and Development | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
4/22 | An Sci | 366 | Concepts in Genomics | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL, 112PL |
4/22 | Genetics | 588 | Immunogenetics | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
4/22 | Stat | 240 | Data Science Modeling I | Approved for second math/stats for 112, 112EL, 112PL |
5/22 | Derm | 601 | Skin Biology and Skin Diseases | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
5/22 | Zoology | 500 | Undergraduate Neurobiology Seminar | Remove from 5E for 112, 112EL |
5/22 | F&W Ecol | 318 | Principles of Wildlife Ecology | Remove from 5E for 112, 112EL |
9/22 | Nutr Sci/Pharm Prac | 672 | Herbals, Homeopathy, and Dietary Supplements | Remove from 5B for 112, 112EL No longer offered. |
9/22 | Biochem | 551 | Biochemical Methods | Remove from 5A for 112, 112EL |
11/22 | Botany/Land Arc | 670 | Adaptive Restoration Lab | Remove from capstone for 112, 112EL |
11/22 | Zoology | 415 | Genetics of Human History | Approved for 5D for 112, 112EL |
2/23 | An Sci | 420 | Microbiomes of Animal Systems | Approved for 5C for 112, 112EL |
2/23 | Genetics | 627 | Animal Developmental Genetics | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
2/23 | Microbio | 520 | Planetary Microbiology: What Life Here Tells Us About Life Out There | Approved for 5D for 112, 112EL |
2/23 | Microbio | 525 | Field Studies of Planetary Microbiology and Life in the Universe | Approved for 5D and lab for 112, 112EL |
2/23 | Microbio | 626 | Microbial and Cellular Metabolomics | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
4/23 | Entom | 490 | Biodiversity and Global Change | Approved for 5C for 112, 112EL |
4/23 | F&W Ecol | 448 | Disturbance Ecology | Approved for 5C for 112, 112EL |
4/23 | F&W Ecol | 458 | Environmental Data Science | Approved for 5E for 112, 112EL |
4/23 | Hort | 372 | Seminar in Organic Agriculture | Remove from 5E for 112, 112EL |
4/23 | Bmolchem | 314 | Introduction to Human Biochemistry | Remove from 5A for 112, 112EL. No longer offered. |
4/23 | Neurodpt/NTP | 630 | Neuronal Mechanisms for Sensation and Memory in Cerebral Cortex | Remove from 5B for 112, 112EL. No longer offered. |
9/23 | An Sci | 377 | Integrative Animal Physiology Laboratory | Approved for 5B with lab for 112, 112EL |
11/23 | Math | 211 | Survey of Calculus | Approved for first math/stats for 112, 112EL |
11/23 | Zoology | 370 | General Molecular Biology | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
11/23 | Phm Sci | 254 | Tiny Earth Genomics – Researching Uncultured Antibiotic-Producing Microbes | Approved for 5A with lab for 112, 112EL |
11/23 | Genetics/Md Genet | 662 | Cancer Genetics | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
11/23 | Envir St/Land Arc | 581 | Prescribed Fire: Ecology and Implementation | Approved for 5E with lab for 112, 112EL |
11/23 | Microbio | 357 | General Bioinformatics for Microbiologists | Approved for 5E for 112, 112EL |
2/24 | F&W Ecol | 379 | Principles of Wildlife Management | Remove from 5C for 112, 112EL |
2/24 | H Oncol/Med Phys | 410 | Radiobiology | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
2/24 | Zoology | 444 | Neuronal Cell Biology in Health and Disease | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
2/24 | Microbio | 345 | Introduction to Disease Biology | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
4/24 | Biochem/Genetics | 631 | Plant Genetics and Development | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
9/24 | Path-Bio | 307 | Superbugs, Sex, & Drugs: Why Modern Medicine Needs Evolutionary Biology | Approved for 5D for 112, 112EL |
9/24 | F&W Ecol | 551 | Forest Ecology Lab | Approved for 5C with lab for 112, 112EL |
9/24 | Derm | 602 | Advances in Skin Biology and Skin Diseases | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
2/25 | Stat | 324 | Introduction to Statistics for Science and Engineering | Approved for stats for 112, 112EL |
2/25 | PlantSci | 338 | Plant Breeding and Biotechnology | Move from 5A to 5E; Remove from foundation |
2/25 | Genetics | 605 | Clinical Cases in Medical Genetics | Approved for 5A for 112, 112EL |
2/25 | Food Sci | 532 | Integrated Food Manufacturing | Remove from 5E for 112, 112EL |
2/25 | An Sci | 503 | Avian Physiology | Remove from 5E for 112, 112EL |
2/25 | An Sci | 512 | Management for Avian Health | Remove from 5E for 112, 112EL |